Monday, 21 January 2013

When the Snow Falls

The snow has fallen quietly and persistently for two days. The world has become very silent and everything around has taken on a magic hue. The roads might have become a messy mush, but the trees are so beautiful!
I never really used to like winter, but lately I have learned to enjoy every season. The only thing that I don't enjoy is the lack of sunshine.

Walking in the snow is very therapeutic, it's like a walking meditation and I get a lot of insights. I switch off my inner chatter, (I have had to train myself to do this) and I walk allowing thoughts to come and go. 
First I get the bothering thoughts, you know, the ones that keep your head busy, then they leave, and better quality thoughts come in, while the mind gently slips into the beauty around and into the contagious pleasure that the dogs are feeling whilst running around in bliss.

'That's it, I thought, 'that's it, that's what being in the moment is. Feeling the pleasure running through you, just because you are alive.'

And then in that connection the bigger picture about your life and others' becomes crystal clear. We are always acting and behaving in ways that keeps us safe, even when it looks as if we sabotage our life with our actions. Something within makes you do just what is required to be safe. 

I really believe that every soul has come this time around, the 26,000 years period that ended in December to participate in the beginning of the next cycle. And I totally believe that every soul has made agreements with one's self that only when enough wisdom has been acquired, then the veils will come down. But for as long as that has not happened, life will be confusing and messy.

I totally got it, and relaxed into my new found wisdom, thinking about the few past experiences that turned out to be extremely unpleasant and suddenly seeing my own wisdom at how I co-created every experience in my life. Every single experiences old and recent have been co-created for a much deeper reasons than just the need to boycott myself. I saw all the reasons and I could do nothing but smile at how magnificent spirit is. 

I made a very clear intention: "I intend to live my life in clarity and integrity at all times and I release the need to play games with myself."

I wonder how long the snow is going to stay.

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