Saturday 19 January 2013

The Importance of Being Honest

Am I being honest when I do something that I really don't want to do? Am I being honest when I accept invitations that I don't want? Am I being honest when I don't like something and I still put on a brave face and act polite and well mannered?

I have had to ask myself these questions a few times in my life. When are we being honest and why should we be honest without being rude?

I have discovered that every time that I am not honest about what I truly want to do I always get myself into trouble. It's inevitable. 
We should be polite always and we don't have to be rude to express our opinion, likes and dislikes. We should also be clear about when we want to do something and when we are just doing it to please others.

I got invited to an event. I did not want to go. I did not particularly feel comfortable with that person who invited me and did not know how to say no. So I said yes, and went, putting on a brave face, a smile, acting polite and friendly for as long as I could. It did not work. Something in me gave away the truth. I was bored, I was restless, I was irritated, which obviously got on the person's nerves and it ended up in a big argument and I don't think I will be invited again too soon.

The thing is that we cannot lie to ourselves any more and we really have to do our best to be honest, even if it means ruffling a few feathers. I did not know how to say no for fear of hurting poeple's feelings, and in the end I hurt them anyway. Cutting comments that I would not normally pass did not go down well and Karma came back to bite me on the butt instantly.

I could have avoided the whole stress of going, spending more than necessary, by simply declining the invitation. By being honest maybe we upset people, but in the long run it can only benefit everyone, because when we are honest we can trust that we will be treated honestly too.

I have been watching my behavior very closely lately, and I have really noticed that when I go out of my way to please someone, because I am afraid of saying no, the results are always disastrous and much trauma is created for all parties as a result.
But when I am being honest about my life, myself and my wants, people tend to respect me more.

It's a vibrational thing. When we state our truth, the resonance is different than when we are not. Equally we know when someone is making excuses or is lying, because we can sense it.
When we speak our truth the vibration resonates with the energy in the universe and everyone experience it as a sense of inner connection. When we lie, there is a discordance between our energy and the universal energy that makes everybody feel on edge and uncomfortable.

The era of truth is here and we cannot hide behind lies any more. No one can. So I have started practicing and it's working a treat.

Have a wonderful and truthful day!

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