Tuesday 8 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

2013 is finally here! The 21st of December came, yes, there was a major planetary alignment but the world was still here when I woke up with a smile on the 22nd.
I was kind of expecting some big things... but they did not happen, well things did happen but not to the scale that I thought they might; like another Great Flood or something of that proportions.

The world is full of turmoil, no denying that, but continents did not sink and fire did not break out to wipe entire worlds. There were enough people around the world, awakened and loving people who worked hard to avoid this from happening. I did my bit of course and did a big visualization-meditation on the day with a friend on the phone, and then some more by myself. I spent the day peacefully in contemplation enjoying the company of my cats and dog and then did some more with another friend on the 22nd. (The Solstice happens over three-day period.) Lots of good work to set up the stage for the world we all want to live in. 

There is an underground movement of soul that really want to go beyond the fear and live in another reality; a reality where there is a lot more understanding and love than there has ever been before.

I learned, a good while back that the reason we have incarnated on Earth at this time is to help to facilitate the healing of the fear vibration from the gene pool. 
Over the past twenty years and even before that, it has been my greatest goal to never be afraid even when there were good reasons to  be. We are here to erase the fear and to anchor the vibration of self love and love for others.

I want to congratulate all of those people that took the trouble to do the work and to facilitate a smooth passage into the new 26,000 years cycle. We shall be experiencing the shifting and settling into the new phase for many years to come. 

I feel very excited about life, about the things that I have learned and the things that I am going to learn this year and intentionally achieve.

The world is still here thanks to the awakened human race that wanted it this way. Thank you fellows, thank you even if I don't know who or where you are. WE MADE IT and now we can relax and focus on experiencing the power of the new vibration. 

For those who are still trapped in their fears and acting out of fears with acts of vandalism to themselves and others; the bullies, the aggressors, the troublemakers, the seekers of cheap thrills... all these things are going to be short lived and soon it will become clearer and clearer why, what and how these behavior are still sought and they too shall set themselves free.

Happy New 26,000 Year Cycle!

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