Monday, 26 December 2011

A Gluten-Sugar Free World

I am not going to wait for the new year to start a change in life-style. Xmas has finally happened, done and dusted, and on Xmas eve there was a powerful new moon. It is on new moons that we initiate new projects.
My big project is a change in lifestyle, be really healthy and vibrant and lose a few pounds that have been bugging  me for a few years. I am going to give the gluten and sugar free food a deserved try. 
I have a friend who has been doing it for a while and she is doing all right, I have to admit. 

Gluten free food can be quite pricey, I agree with you, but my health has begun to benefit already, so who cares?  After only a week, I can already feel the difference. I don't feel bloated, tired and sleepy after gluten free toasts, or gluten free pasta with sautee courgettes and I feel full and satiated for hours. We do need our carbs, and finally I can have my cake and eat it.

Does gluten free food really make you lose weight? I don't know. My friend is very slim, but then again she loves her Chi Kung (chi gong) so it could be a combination of the two.
I am going to give it a try for a while and see what happens. The aim is the weight loss, but I wonder if I ought to shift the attention onto simply eating gluten free for my health and let the weight take care of itself?

There is plenty to experiment with, and no need to deprive myself of anything.  I am going gluten free and sugar free. Just substitute sugar with Agave nectar or other natural sweeteners and gluten free flours to make breads, cookies and other goodies. I will keep you posted.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Dates With The Past

Ever had a bad experience that left a bitter taste in your mouth?
For some people that is not a problem; they are the lucky ones, they acknowledge the bad experience, shrug their shoulders and move on. Not many, I must say.
For the vast majority of us, the experience is eventually forgotten but never integrated. As usual it is the feelings that we had at the time that linger on and that with the knowledge we have today can be released so that the experience when remembered becomes totally neutral.

How do you know when you have a date with the past? When for no reasons at all you start feeling very edgy and things start to go wrong.

I was perfectly fine yesterday and then in the afternoon I start to experience feelings of hopelessness and despair which came out of nowhere. Then this morning, upon awakening, I remembered that this month I have a very important date with the past. In November of quite a few years ago I got married!

For some people getting married is a wonderful experience, but it was not for me.
We went our separate ways some six years later. Those years, however were certainly not happy. I spent most of that time feeling terrible for having done something that I really did not want to do. My emotions were ranging mostly from depression, despair, hopelessness and helplessness. Not a very nice place to be in.

And this year I have finally realised that every year, when this time of the year approaches, I start to feel pretty edgy and unhappy for no reasons.  I woke up feeling awful and remembered that a long time ago, I was feeling just the same. So I took some time out and went into my emotions. They were not pleasant at all.

I was in my twenties, confused and lost, every choice I made seemed to be always the wrong one. Karmically I believe that there are not mistakes, but only choices dictated by the soul that has agreed to pay back its due. I did not think this at the time though. At the time it was either choosing between two evils, and I chose one.
Although many years have gone by, the emotions never got resolved. Unresolved emotions have a charge that get triggered on cue, just like these ones got triggered as the date approached.

When emotions are not resolved they are stored away in the subconscious, and only when we finally take the time to address them and release them, they will not bother us any more.

I did the usual. I sat down, I connected with the pain in the present, which is not pleasant at all, and the body took me straight back to that time, when I was feeling the same emotions. I felt very hard done by then, felt trapped and without choices; I was feeling like the victim that I was then.

Without going into too many details, a healing is always very powerful when there is willingness to let go of blame and anger towards others. Yes, I did feel helpless and hopeless but only because at the time I was always unable to say no, for fear of upsetting other people's feelings.
Today I understand that it is our duty to set boundaries and to say no when we mean no. If the other person becomes upset, but we have acted out of integrity, then we have nothing to feel bad about.

It became clear during the healing that I was really angry with myself for precisely those reasons, my inability to say what I really meant. By not being able to be my highest truth I created a really terrible life for myself.

So I cleared the emotional residues and replaced with new programs of self respect and self support.
I felt a world better after I finished; light hearted and free.

The past can hold a person a prisoner, but what the prison really is about is the emotions that were created then, that still resonate in the emotional field of the person.
Once those are clear, you can look forward to your life as the year goes by and those dates reappear you will find with delight that they have no charge any more and you ca finally go about your business of being happy and fulfilled unhampered and free.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Low Self-Esteem? Take Larch

Larch is the remedy for those people who feel insecure, inferior and do not trust their talents.
I have not used it for a while, not with myself not with others. Of late however, this remedy jumped out at me with a client who has a physical issue that does not budge.

I don’t know why, but suddenly I thought of Larch. I have worked with this client and his problem for a while, I have looked at anger, resentment, guilt and other emotional states, but for some reasons thinking it related to self-confidence never crossed my mind.
But this is how it is with the Bach Flowers, you clear all the layers, (and that might take a while) and then another emotional state comes up that might be just as relevant.

‘What if,’ I said to myself, ‘despite the fact that this person seems to be self-assured and confident, he actually feels quite insecure and vulnerable?’ After all we all feel that way at one time or another.

When this problem appeared, this client was in a pickle with his life. I asked him what was going on.  
He was working in a company doing a job he loathed. One day he had a fight with someone who was questioning his skills in the workplace. As much as he did not like the job, he had decided to put some effort into it, to make it more bearable.

Instead of being appreciated, he met the hostility of his senior colleague instead. Obviously there were some hierarchy issues as this person attacked him verbally, shouting and screaming at him.
He felt totally at a loss. Why was he attacked like that? He immediately took on board the insults and believed what the man was saying to him; that he was not good at the job and he should not be doing what he was not capable of.
He backed down, feeling rejected and hurt. But then anger took over and he reacted, ‘what the heck, I hate this job anyway’ and he quit on the spot.
Of course at the time it never occurred to him that that was his way out of a situation that he would have never have had the courage to move away from.
Not long after that the physical problem appeared.

We had a long chat, and soon it became obvious that he had had self-esteem issues for the whole of his life. Had he had self-confidence, had he been brought up to believe in himself he would have never ended up where he did.
I gave him a mixture of Larch, Mimulus and Walnut; Larch for confidence and self-esteem, Mimulus for known fears and Walnut the link breaker to help him with the transition that he is at in his life right now.

It’s only been three days, and he is already reporting improvement. Ideas come to him more easily, he is capable of seeing his tasks through the day effortlessly and he is clearing his life of clatter. He feels less aggressive and more sympathetic towards others, but the best part is that he can see through people without taking advantage of what he sees.
His skills that have always been well above average are now accepted easily and without arrogance and he gets on with things in a new way.
What is happening is that as he releases the feelings that he is not good enough, he is open and receptive to offers, and opportunities come his way, and he does not shy away from them, because the old reaction of ‘I can’t do this, they won’t like it’ it’s not there any more.

This state of being, feeling inferior, starts very early in life, back in the womb, when the mother passes down to the unborn baby her own feelings of fear and inadequacy. The baby picks those up and when he is born he already has a load of negative expectations about himself that only become stronger as he grows.

Emotions are not something that anyone questioned at any one time. You felt in a certain way and you simply reacted, either by feeling worse or by becoming aggressive. Nobody likes to feel inferior, so chances are that a person works hard to hide the true feelings because they are too unpleasant.

Feelings of low self-esteem are very common, and more often than not we witness in the same person the opposite; arrogance and feeling superior.
Is a person however inferior or superior? No, those are just emotions, they are not who we truly are.
Feeling superior is a way to overcompensate the inferiority feeling, and other times, when a person has been feeling superior, there comes a time that he or she will plummet down to the other end of the spectrum, feeling inadequate and insecure.

The Bach Flowers have been around for a long time, created originally to treat physical symptoms by addressing the emotions behind it. Before Dr E Bach, this concept was totally unknown.

Don’t stop there though; the physical symptoms are the last stage of the body attempting to draw your attention to an imbalanced state of mind.
Treat the emotions before it becomes physical and you will not only stay healthy and strong, but you will enjoy a much better life, as you become the person that you truly are...

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


It happened on Saturday evening after the workshop. We all gathered for a drink at the bar, and we got chatting. I had been thinking of relocating to this part of town since January. So I was chatting, to the lady organiser who I had met before, about my plans.
She had always been very supportive of my work, so when I told her what I was planning to do, which she had asked me about, her reply felt like someone had pulled the rug from under my feet. It took me a few days to realise that she touched a nerve and that I needed to heal something.

And healing indeed I did two days later. I had come to the workshop with expectations. And expectations  were what needed to be tweaked, because those expectations were not mine.

During the self healing, (which is always very targeted and clear) I realised that I was carrying around opposite expectations in my energy field; my mother's, which were; 'as a girl you don't stand a chance in the world' and my father's; 'I put all my expectations on you, and I know you will succeed.'

Without going into the intricate and private details, it was clear that I had been operating from and 'trying' to fulfil two opposite programs at the same time and that of course had a lot of emotional charge that needed looking at.
I felt the pain, the sadness and the anger at the realisation as to how I was so desperate to please both parents, and how impossible it was to fulfil two opposite expectations at once. I did not want to believe my mother's beliefs, and I did not want to be put under pressure to succeed.
Out of love and need, I took on my parent's fears. How common is that, I ask? How many of us do that, taking on what is thrown at them, feeling vulnerable and helpless?

What everyone does when unpleasant events happen, (I have already talked about this, but it always applies) is that we operate from the need to change what happened then.  That is why unconsciously we recreate a similar situation, where we will experience rejection for something we want to do, in the same way that we experienced it then.

When a woman rejects your ideas and you feel really hurt, more often than not you are reliving what your mother used to do to you and you are still stuck there, wanting to change her reactions.

I healed it by connecting to the emotions and stated; "I give up my parent's expectations, good and bad." The words triggered the hurt and then tears. Tears are a way for the brain to to release the accumulated emotions  from the field, and it's a very powerful tool when used it in a targeted manner.
Of course I went into a little more details, but that was basically the opening line.

Your statement gives a command to your field and the brain takes it on.  You have deleted all expectations that were not yours. Then of course you have to put something in, to reprogram the brain.
We are all highly programmable beings, and we get programmed all the time. But once we understand this great truth, what we do is to delete the programs that no longer serve us with all the emotional implications, and we replace them with others of our choice.

This is how we use our free will,  using positive language  that describes our intentions about what we want to have or do with our life.

When we reprogram the brain from our highest truth, by stating what we want, that's when things start to move. And it might be that it's the same things that we were asking for before. But if before we were asking from the need to be approved, now we are asking from a place of alignment with spirit. (Healing connects you with your emotions, which aligns you with the spiritual part of yourself, your highest truth.)
That totally changes the dynamical interaction with the energy in the universe.

Asking out of need means you are asking from fear, and when in fear the energy is limited and coming from people or situations. But when you are asking from the source within you, (and you know the difference, we all do), the things you ask for carry a different weight, and that's when everything start to fall into place.

So although I was very misplaced by that lady's reaction, I did not hold it against her. I needed to heal something.  We always  create what we have in life, and if we look at the whys we can use it to heal the past and to increase awareness as another piece is added to the jigsaw.

Of course that's not how I saw it on Saturday night, but that's how it works. You get upset, you talk about it until you are fed up of talking about it, and then it dawns on you, and when you get it, the rest is relatively easy.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Three Months Later

It's already October. The summer has come and gone leaving no traces behind. No excitement, no sun, no heat. It was a three months where every day was the same, waiting for tomorrow hoping for the clouds both inside and out to part and see a ray of sunshine.

Mum passed away in May. It took time to adjust although it had been expected, she had been ill for two years, it was not a surprise. Although I think that things could have been done differently.
The emotions were raw despite being prepared.  Taking plenty of Rescue Remedy helped a lot, and doing healing with her before she passed away was an incredible experience. I held mum's hand in my healing space for weeks, until she was finally ready to see beyond the fog and fear. We all felt that she was happy and peaceful when it finally  happened.

Losing the last parent only added more intensity to a summer that was incredibly intense on so many levels. The  whole of August was spent with Mercury retrograde on my tail, which gave me three full weeks of revising.
For those familiar with the Mercury retrograde you might recall, volatile emotions, rows out of nowhere with family and loved ones and fear coming in from nowhere.  I had my share. But I am an emotional healer, so I used the energy wisely.
I healed and healed and healed some more and wrote and wrote and wrote intensely about all the emotions and angst that were coming from other lines of time that needed closure and reconciling. Some events in the the past wanted attention.

The astrological alignments were affecting everyone and everyone felt the pinch of frustration and anger. So many projects, so many ideas, and still the tide was out, putting an edge on everything.
Having a family death was just a little extra stress that I could have done without, although the illness was just as stressful.
There was no time to communicate with the outside world, it was a time of reflection and healing.
Projects and ideas had to be visited and revisited a million times, but all that, gives energy to the plan, so that when finally the time is ripe, we are ready to take those steps that we felt unable to take before.

It's fair to say that the summer was time to slow down, and October now has much better planetary alignment to finally move on to the next phase of our lives. And so many people, irrespectively of their astrological knowledge find themselves in exactly this situation. Summer was a time of confusion and October suddenly has opportunities appear as the energy has been freed, and everyone feels ready for action, although still with a little bit of confusion or hesitation.
Soon the desire for change will become so impellent that will be unstoppable.

So if you like me have been through the last three months feeling this way, you can finally take a breath and start to smile again. All that work done in the summer is now going to pay off.
If you still feel confused, simply state that you are willing to change. This automatically opens the door to the real you that wants things to be well in every area of your life, and to the energy that is now knocking on your door asking you to change, without you having to do much other than appreciate what is coming.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Healing-Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse

Healing is one part of the story. Then there is the influence of the planets with their cycles, equinoxes, solstices and then there are the cycles of the moon and Eclipses.
Talking about having your hands full.

It's not always easy to keep track of everything but it is quite a relief when we do, to be reminded that no matter how much healing we do, we are still influenced by these factors. Sometimes we need to be patient while other times we need to grab the opportunity because of the auspicious alignments that say: "Hey, luck is on your side, the doors are open and it's easier to put into action now what you have been waiting to act upon".

It's full moon tonight, and we also have a lunar eclipse. A very important time, the effects of which are felt before and after and they are connected to a nineteen year cycle. What happened in 1992 and 1973 that is felt today? For some, nothing terribly significant, for others, lots was going on, and suddenly we feel thrown into a whirlwind of emotions that throw us in all directions. One minute we feel amazing, the next really down and depressed, or totally overwhelmed with all the things that need doing.

Riding the waves it's something we must learn to master if we want to get through these times. We sit and we let the emotions run havoc, we take some Flower Remedies, (they always, always work wonders) and we address some of the emotions, and if we are really brave we do some digging in the past (which is always part of the healing anyway).
I know, it can get really tiring and tedious, tell me about it. Sometimes, I just want to shout, "I have had enough of doing healing, where is my reward?"

And then, meekly, I get on with it, because I know that when something is eating me up, or I feel really dreadful,  once the healing has happened I will feel on top the waves again.
What I have learned is that doing healing at these times is particularly effective and incredibly powerful, because you are directly connected to those times where there is a leak through - the emotions from the past that are affecting you in the now.

So if you are feeling strangely overwhelmed, angry or depressed, if things suddenly get out of control, and you think you are losing the plot ... hang on it there and start digging. Soon you will find what beliefs and emotions you felt at those times, and you can release them from your field by undoing those beliefs (it is that easy), and you can use the power of the full moon-eclipse to establish a new way of thinking, a new program that will take you through the next nineteen year cycle.

Once you have identified what beliefs you created about yourself then, you can see that those beliefs are still affecting you now. You will also find all the emotions that you suppressed because it was not safe for you to express them at the time. You have the power and the safety to express them now.
If anger is what you felt, get some big, fat pillows and punch them until you have no breath left.
If you felt depressed an unwanted, breathe all those emotions out, until there are no tears left, and a sense of peace will prevail.

Use your breath and your words. "I undo this belief, (whatever that is) and this emotion", and breathe it out.

Get busy today, tonight and tomorrow, these are great times to make fantastic stride forward.
You can take some remedies to help you, like Walnut to break from the past, Hornbeam if you are a procrastinator, Gentian, if you are getting depressed, or Elm if you are too overwhelmed.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Healing - Cats and Bach Flowers

I do emotional healing with myself and with clients. Can't do it with cats. So when they need healing I resort to the infallible healing power of nature and the Bach Flowers, which I became acquainted with, well over twenty years ago.

Rescue Remedy as most of you know is made of a combination of flowers: Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatients, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem. This little bottle comes very handy in time of stress, sudden changes such as frights, unpleasant news or anything that jolts you out of sync.

One of my cats, got injured quite badly. She came home after a few days of unknown whereabouts, with  a huge cut under her armpit which had pus and was not smelling very good. I cut the collar that was stuck in the wound and that had probably been the cause of the cut and immediately applied to it a mixture of: Rescue Remedy for the trauma, Crab Apple for cleansing and Agrimony for the inner torture; the cat was not showing distress outwardly but it was obviously in pain when I touched her.

The rational part of me said, 'take her to the vet'.  But as I am not too keen on drugs, I thought I'd take the chance. I am a healer after all, and not only of emotions! If things got worse I would have gone, but I had to give it a shot. So I cleaned the wound very, very gently with water and a few drops of the above mixture, put some of the same drops in Chess' mouth, (the kitty) and let her be. She relaxed knowing she was being taken care of and she laid on her good side purring away. I laid my hands on her connecting to the healing power of her body asking for the energy to do its job. The smell was gone by the following morning.

Chess stayed indoors for three days, sleeping most of the time. She was eating well and she could get up and have a little stretch here and there. I kept giving her the mixture, on the wound and via mouth for the three days, up to five times per day and of course gave her attention and more healing. By the third day, she wanted to go and she disappeared for half the afternoon. I was a bit worried that the wound, which was still open, might get infected. But it did not. It was healing fast and remarkably well, considering she could have done with at least five stitches, as the slash was quite long.

It has been over a week now since she got injured and she is doing really well. I still keep up the drops, but not as often. Nature has taken over and the cat is almost back to normal.
The hair missing along the under armpit, will eventually grow back, and the wound is almost closed.

The Bach Flowers and the healing power of nature will never cease to amaze me!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The Fat Factor

I have decided to ditch all diets and start eating well. I have a diploma in nutrition. I keep myself up to speed with all the latest and newest discoveries about food and it is working. However, before I start boasting about how wonderful I feel on certain foods and supplements, I want to share with you the sore part of what has seemed to be a constant seasaw, a conflict between wanting to be fit, and being unable to sticking to a regime. Is it just because we are lazy and unwilling? Mmm, don't think so.

Staying healthy and slim should not be such a struggle. So why is it? For I am sure I am not the only one who has been through first all the resolutions and then giving up at the first craving for sugar and eat what seems to be inappropriate.

We should not have to diet, we should just eat what we naturally drawn to eat, treat ourselves well, eating good nourishing food, knowing the danger of junk, additives, and all that is artificial and damaging.

Despite the knowledge though, when something disturbing happens and we go out of sync and we start to feel anxious, depressed, or other unpleasant emotions, we find ourselves wanting to eat what is damaging, not only to the weight but to our health too. In my book, in the chapter 'The Fat Factor' I explain the emotional reasons for having and keep the extra weight on in more details.

If we suddenly or not so suddenly, find ourselves in the self-sabotaging mode, this is not just with weight, but any area in our life,  we know we have to address the emotions behind it in the present that go back to past emotions.
When do we need to eat something suddenly? When we are in discomfort, we feel anxious, nervous, agitated, some emotion is making us feel edgy and we don't feel good about ourselves. So we seek something that will make us feel better; a mars bar, a doughnut, or anything that tastes nice and gives us a pick up is what we go for. It's cheap, it's quick and does the job nicely... in the short term. In the long term, we find that our thighs are not getting into the jeans and that the waistline gently but surely expands. People who struggle with their weight resort to food to calm themselves down.
For those people for whom the weight is not a problem, resorting to alchohol, smoke or drugs, or all of those at once is the way to cope with the emotional discomfort.

Now, if we have been eating well and suddenly we have cracked up,  we might feel that we have ruined all the chances. But that is not so. If we have made the decision to go healthy, the occasional let down can be easily resolved. No need to judge oneself, but definitely one must take the trouble to  delve and find out where the feelings of discomfort really come from. Any exaggerated reaction to a situation, like exploding with anger, is not always justified. Looking at what triggers a negative emotion is always the key to resolve what goes on in the present.

I have a lot on my plate right now and any added little stress can make things look much worse than what they are. But I never blame stress for my overreactions, I always know that if I feel hard done by, humiliated or disrespected, it might or might not be the other person's intention,  what it definitely is though, an unclean reaction to the situation. I have the same emotion stashed away somewhere that gets triggered because the situation brings it up. Looking at where that overreaction comes from, will always bring one back into balance to allow one to handle stress maturely and constructively. Now that's not a small achievement. (Pat on the back)

Astrologically speaking May has been the month of revisiting the past and putting closure on a lot of issues that have been hanging around for a while. I used this month to revisit the past and to release emotions and beliefs from events I did not even know needed looking into.

The body will give you amazing information if you know how to tap into it and how to interpret it.
Indeed I have had some revelations about decisions made with regards to my ability to be resourceful and capable to manifest what I wanted from life. A decision that has been stopping me, amongst other things to keep a desired weight and shape. So instead of running to the store, get a tab of ice cream to appease my uneasiness, I grabbed the emotion, 'I was feeling very hurt and rejected' and asked my body to give me the information. I went really deep and after about an hour of reinterpreting the experience, I was able to reprogram the brain and all the anguish I was in left me,  together with the desire for a binge.

Had I chosen to stuff my face first and then dig in my psyche I would have probably got a few extra pounds to deal with, but would have got the results nevertheless. It was probably better that I chose to do a healing first... (smile)

Struggling with extra weight can only be resolved if you address the reasons as to why you are in a state of discomfort and constant self-reproach. It does not have to be addressed all in one big chunk, but as and when the emotions come up.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Who Lives With You? Destructive Behavior

We are spirit dwelling in a physical body. It is our duty and responsibility to take care of it by nourishing it well, but also by intending to be the only occupier of it. When we experience unusual behavior, deep depression, bouts of unwarrented anger, we have to ask this question: "Is there anyone living in my body besides myself?"
I talk a lot about entity possession, as it is extremely important that we understand what this means and how easy it is to be possessed.

Entities can be of two kinds, the spirit of dead people who died suddenly or violently, or demons. Some people die and they don't know  where to go,  so they jump on the closest body they can find. Doctors, nurses, people working with the old, soldiers, are the people more affected. Locations where people die also create a place for entities to create more accidents and more death. Demons are  beings of lower dimensions that thrive on the thrill of morbid, fear with all the gory details.

Traumatized people are particularly prone to possessions, just like those who use drugs and alcohol.  Whether entities are of one kind or another they slowly take over, and the person is not him/herself anymore. Releasing entities from the body into the light, is a major part of healing that will help not only the person but also the entities that would otherwise find another body to go to.

Healing Is a Daily Business Chapter 9 The Dark Energy Story. 

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

What Is Healing?

Healing is reinterpreting experiences. This means looking at those experiences in life that have left a negative imprint in our memory and understand the real story behind it. You might ask, "What story is behind abuse and pain?" Well I could say that that people who have done the abuse have probably been abused themselves and have been acting out their anger and impotence. This does not justify their actions of course, but it gives another perspective on the story.

Healing is a way to say, "I look at things differently and I am willing to let go of those feelings that keep me trapped in the past, because I want my life back." When we hang on to resentment, anger, self reproach, guilt, when we want to change the past, because we feel hard done by, and humiliated, we cannot fully live in the present and fulfill our talents and skills. Hanging on to the past does not change it, it only perpetuates it. 

When we do healing, we don't let anyone off the hook. Whatever anyone does, they will have to face the consequences one day. We heal for ourselves, we let ourselves off the hook, for not having been smart enough to avoid the abuse. What really hurts are the feelings of impotence and rage, feeling helpless against someone who took advantage of a defenseless child.

When we understand that what we create also comes back, we can let ourselves off the hook, from another time. When we understand that we have agreed to participate in the experience of abuse, we can look for the gem. Would you do to another what has been done to you? If the answer is no, then you have passed with flying colors. Be willing to look for the bigger picture and you will be free!

The whole book Healing Is A Daily Business is on healing, and how day in day out you find an answer to your quest!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Dramas: The Tyrant-The Victim-The Saviour

Dramas or stories, are simply adopted behavior created by an emotional reaction to events. In other words, if in early life we did not experience love, acceptance or approval,  very cleverly (as that was the only smart choice we could come up with) we learnt to modify our behavior to please those in charge of our upbringing. Children pick up things really quickly and they figure out very fast what is the safest way to be if they want to survive.  The downside of this is that this behavior or drama  then becomes the  'default program', from which we live throughout life.

The major dramas are the tyrant, the victim and the savior. We all play out these parts at different times in our lives, until something happens and we switch from one drama to another. Most of us are totally unaware that we are stuck in a drama, in fact we think that the way we are is who we are. I have called these dramas the trapping trio, because they trap our life force and the ability to be  our true self, to feel, give and receive love.

In chapter two, of part two of Healing Is A Daily Business, I describe and explain very thoroughly what these dramas are and how they stop us from being our true self.  Dramas keep us disconnected from spirit (our own spirit), and keep us stuck in fear. When we choose to understand what dramas we play and give them up, we learn that we don't have to manipulate anyone to get what we want, because we are finally free to be who we want to be, from awareness, self respect and self love.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Once Upon A Time ...

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was born in a small village in the South of Italy ...

This is how 'Healing Is A Daily Business' starts. A book that is rich with channeled information.
I am still amazed today by what I was able to access during those four years of intense writing. Was it because I was psychic that I had the chance to tap into so much knowledge? Was it the pain and the determination to find answers? I don't know. All I know is that every time I was in pain, I sat down and wrote. The memories would flow in fast and furious, and with that, insights after insight, and answers to unanswerable questions.
I used to get such a high every time I cracked another code. Every time I had an emotional entanglement, I would not stop until I got to the bottom of it and got the answer I was looking for.

'Healing Is A Daily Business' is the story of a painful but incredibly rewarding journey. I still look at it with a sense of awe, not because I wrote it, but for the precious answers that have enriched and liberated my life and the life of the clients that I have had the privilege to assist in their own awakening.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Find A Thought

Whenever I contemplate things that are not working in my life, inevitably I start to feel depressed. This morning, I woke up feeling despondent about recent events that have thrown me off balance. I did not want to feel that way, I wanted to find solutions and answers.
I decided to adopt a strategy that I used to use when I was younger: make an effort to think one good thought! A positive thought that will bring a smile to my face. It can be anything. It can be the newly bought boots, what I am going to have for dinner tonight, a phone call with a friend, a list of things that I can see coming into my life ... anything.
Anything that creates pleasure in our mind, puts the body into alignment with the source of love within self, and the vibration of the body rises from whatever negative emotion is being experienced to a place of truth.

So when I woke up this morning, feeling low and sad, I immediately thought about something that brought, not just a smile to my face but a deep sense of well-being — my plans for the coming year! Thinking about what I want and how I want my life to be, always brings me pleasure and as I felt better, I was able to contemplate and consider my options about the recent events, with a clear head.

When we are not in a place of truth, or in the ‘gap’ as I call it, we are not able to ‘see’ solutions, we can only see what is already there which causes even more despondency. It takes time obviously to train oneself to snap out of the familiar groove of feelings, and say ‘no, I want to think something that makes me feel good’.
My way to handle despondency in the past was to recite, “I love myself”. However, thinking one good thought though seems to be working just as well.  It does not take much effort, and it shifts the energy really quickly.
It still holds true though that when we don't manifest what we want, there are other factors to consider and looking at one's beliefs around what one wants is vital. But dwelling in depression does not help healing. So think one good thought, get back in alignment and from that place you can 'see' all the solutions that you want and need.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Rent Scams - Trust Your Instincts

I wanted to  help a young couple looking for a place to live. I went on Craig's list and replied to a few ads. One stuck out, almost too good to be true. Only £88 per week for a room in a beautiful location, in a beautiful house. A few emails back and forth with the person at the other end, male or female it was impossible to say, although  a female name was used as a signature, it started to get a bit dodgy. The person wanted proof of deposit, paid to myself through a very well known payment agency, and wanted me to scan the document to 'her'. It all felt very strange.

I made a few enquiries and this 'woman' justified the need for a proof of deposit to my name, as to her own safety as things had been stolen from her flat when she was showing the room to strangers. It still did not make any sense. I had never heard of landlords expecting to see proofs of deposit when you have not even seen the room yet.

I asked the 'woman' if we could speak on the phone. But she declined and started to get annoyed. If I could not be bothered to go through all the hassle then she could not trust that I was genuine and gave me more funny explanations. I felt that I was being overly suspicious and eventually agreed to do what she asked. Immediately she sent me a scanned passport to 'reassure me' which said she was Polish.

The feeling of uneasiness in my stomach became stronger.  As the day went by I felt more and  more uneasy to the point that I started to panic. Having been conned before, I recognized the feeling. This time instead of being more concerned to please the other person, I chose to listen to my instincts that were definitely against doing any transaction of any kind and so I asked:
"How can I found out if this is a scam?" The inspiration came immediately. I googled the name that this presumed lady used for the email address and there it was in plain sight for all to see. It was a massive scam. There is a website that has taken the trouble to collect these scammers emails and make it public on the internet. Word for word, the ad was cited, and used with different email addresses, advertising different locations in London. Once the receipt with the money in your name is scanned through  Western Union, the other person can collect the money anywhere in the world, as no proof of ID is required,  and you will never see your money again, or the apartment for that matter.

I could not believe it! I almost fell for it, because I was afraid to 'upset' a total stranger, and because I wanted the room that looked really nice and was so reasonably priced.
Equally though I felt ecstatically happy. By listening to that nagging feeling that something was not right, I had proved myself right, and saved myself the humiliation of being conned and of losing a big chunk of money. When you are being conned, is not so much that the loss of the money that is a problem, but the feeling of having been so naive. You feel so stupid that is almost unbearable.

People who cheat and steal to survive belong to a very sad category, but that is for them to see. What we must do is to learn to trust our own power and not to be afraid of saying no. Whichever deal you are entering into, whether is rental agreement or anything else, always trust your own instincts. Don't give in to fear of upsetting others by asking questions, and do not fear to make inquiries before parting with your cash.