Wednesday 8 June 2011

Healing - Cats and Bach Flowers

I do emotional healing with myself and with clients. Can't do it with cats. So when they need healing I resort to the infallible healing power of nature and the Bach Flowers, which I became acquainted with, well over twenty years ago.

Rescue Remedy as most of you know is made of a combination of flowers: Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatients, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem. This little bottle comes very handy in time of stress, sudden changes such as frights, unpleasant news or anything that jolts you out of sync.

One of my cats, got injured quite badly. She came home after a few days of unknown whereabouts, with  a huge cut under her armpit which had pus and was not smelling very good. I cut the collar that was stuck in the wound and that had probably been the cause of the cut and immediately applied to it a mixture of: Rescue Remedy for the trauma, Crab Apple for cleansing and Agrimony for the inner torture; the cat was not showing distress outwardly but it was obviously in pain when I touched her.

The rational part of me said, 'take her to the vet'.  But as I am not too keen on drugs, I thought I'd take the chance. I am a healer after all, and not only of emotions! If things got worse I would have gone, but I had to give it a shot. So I cleaned the wound very, very gently with water and a few drops of the above mixture, put some of the same drops in Chess' mouth, (the kitty) and let her be. She relaxed knowing she was being taken care of and she laid on her good side purring away. I laid my hands on her connecting to the healing power of her body asking for the energy to do its job. The smell was gone by the following morning.

Chess stayed indoors for three days, sleeping most of the time. She was eating well and she could get up and have a little stretch here and there. I kept giving her the mixture, on the wound and via mouth for the three days, up to five times per day and of course gave her attention and more healing. By the third day, she wanted to go and she disappeared for half the afternoon. I was a bit worried that the wound, which was still open, might get infected. But it did not. It was healing fast and remarkably well, considering she could have done with at least five stitches, as the slash was quite long.

It has been over a week now since she got injured and she is doing really well. I still keep up the drops, but not as often. Nature has taken over and the cat is almost back to normal.
The hair missing along the under armpit, will eventually grow back, and the wound is almost closed.

The Bach Flowers and the healing power of nature will never cease to amaze me!

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