Friday, 2 November 2012

The Power Of Your Words

I have a friend who is very depressed. He has been for years. He has been on all sorts of drugs , and tried some other approaches without much results.
I too have been depressed in the past, for years, (this is how I know him, because I was in the same boat) and then after years of working with all sorts of therapies, I found my wonderful healing system and everything changed. 

Over time I healed my emotions, my past, I understood the bigger picture in life, I connected to the spiritual part of myself and life will never go back to where it used to be. It’s a life approach, not an overnight thing.  You have to want to change, and you have to say that you do.

This friend of mine has another friend just as depressed as he is and I heard my friend say to his friend laughingly, a few years ago, ‘in ten years time we will still be here, the two of us, depressed as hell.’
He chuckled, thinking it was really amusing. I said to him, ‘better be careful what you say because it might just happen’.

Well wouldn’t you know? Few years down the line that’s exactly what is going on in his life. He is more depressed than ever, nothing of what he is doing seems to be working and he spends most of his time with his depressed friend, just as he predicted!
Of course I did point that out to him, but he brushed it off as nonsense.

Well I have been in this business for a long while now and I have seen things lately, happening in a very short space of time.
It is a tricky business, because this concept is still not known amongst the public, but if we pay close attention to all the things that we say, we realise that when we say them without anything attached to them they happen pretty instantly.

Master the power of your thoughts and words. They are your best ally.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

A Bit of Rough to Get to The Smooth

We all go through the rough times and they are not pleasant.
I have just been through one. Other people had been feeling the same. I don't know if it was the planets influence (probably) but it was definitely unpleasant.

If you have been following me for a while, you know that whenever something happens that rattles you, you have something to heal. Whatever the other person does that is really irritating you, you know that a part of you is creating that, so that you can resolve something that happened in the past.

After a few days of feeling really rough, I was getting myself into a right state, angrier and angrier. I was so angry and frustrated, feeling really trapped in my anger, unable to see a way out that I started to feel suicidal. I kept saying that if I could not understand why I am always in these unpleasant situations then I might as well die...

Now that's a bit strong even for me. I used to feel this way many years ago, when I was really stuck and lost. But not now. So after doing a healing with someone on the phone, and feeling really sick physically, (something I ate that did not agree with me), I tried to get to the bottom of it. I felt too sick and nauseous. I tried to vomit, but nothing came out, the food had already been digested and was in the system, the best thing to do was to sleep over it. Seven fortyfive in the evening I went to bed.
I slept and the following morning, the answers I needed were finally available.

The healing was very quick and a bit painful. What I found out was that when I was four, I had decided that I was never going to be happy again. I won't go into the details of how that happened, (too long to explain in a post), but I can say that it was so powerful that whatever was bothering me suddenly was not important any more. My anger had disappeared, and I was left with an intense desire to put the pieces together. If someone decides not to be happy so that they can be safe, guess what? The cells in the body resonate at that vibration so that they draw to your life all the experiences and people to fulfill that need! Oh my, no wonder my life has always been the way that it has.
A bit of happiness and a lot of unhappiness or complete isolation to avoid being happy! I was following orders: 'I don't want to be happy'!

I was very elated at this discovery, to say the least. So of course I replaced that strong program with an equally powerful one: 'From now on I want and intend to be deliriously happy, happy to be loved, respected, admired, wanted by people and things that make me happy, I intend to be happy through my creativity, my work, my skills, my living every day in connection with my  highest truth.'

These are powerful statements that create a new vibration in the body, for the body to draw to my current reality situations and people to fulfill them.
Stay tuned... 

Monday, 16 July 2012

Rescue Remedy

I want to talk about the wonderful properties of Rescue Remedy again, even if I have talked about it  before. RR is one great aid for healing mental, emotional and physical issues!

A friend of mine burnt her finger on a hot dish. She was getting it out of the oven and the steam burnt her.
She told me this in the middle of a catching up conversation. She said she had put it under running water and put some salve on it, but it was still hurting like hell, did I have any suggestions?
"Do you know about Rescue Remedy?" I asked her. "You need to get some of that, first thing in the morning" I said.

As it happened she had a bottle in her draw. She used it in the past when she was going through a rough patch. She had found it very helpful to  calm her down and to sleep better, although she had   thought that it was a placebo effect. My friend is a bit skeptical about these things.

"That's great, go and fish it out and put some on your finger straight away!" I said.
 RR is fantastic for everything! Any injury to the body big or small is a shock, any emotional trauma causes shock. So it does not matter what kind of shock it is, RR is ALWAYS the solution.

(For emotional issues, naturally, you take RR but it would be very advisable to do some emotional healing too for lasting results.)

I told her to put it neat on her finger. Normally it takes the pain away immediately. I also explained to her how it works. Precisely what I have just said. RR takes away the vibration of the trauma that causes shock, whether physical, emotional or mental. Once the shock is removed, the body goes automatically  into healing mode, the pain disappears and the injured part heals itself pretty quickly and normally without any scar tissues afterwards.

I have used it so many times for so many little things and it always does the trick. The sooner you can use it the better. It works if you take it orally, and or by putting it on the injured part; a few drops, and then a few more ten of fifteen minutes later.

It did not fail this time either.
As soon as our conversation was over, my friend tended her finger with RR.

The following  morning I received a text from her: Rescue Remedy amazing, thank you!

Well, what can I say?

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

With A Pinch of Salt

The book 'Water and Salt - The Healers From Within', suggests that a high intake of water with a little bit of salt is the answer to many, many ailments. I won't go into the details of how this works physiologically, you can get the book and find out for yourself, but I can telly you that after a while of drinking like this, the body will start to feel more supple and aches and pains seem to subside, making you feel more free and alive.
The body is made of 85% water, so it makes sense that it needs to be hydrated constantly.

I use filtered water and the Himalayan pure, pink salt (no additives) which has at least 80 trace minerals.
A little bit of salt in a big glass of water (500ml) four times a day. If you don't have a filter, use mineral water,  tap water is OK too (but do get a filter, it is really worth the money).  The water should not taste salty, if it does just add more water until it tastes fine.

Start your routine of drinking water and salt in the morning, to replenish the body from the loss of moisture occurring during the night. As soon as you get up drink a big glass on an empty stomach, then just remember to drink it all day long; you can take a bottle with you with already made water and salt, or you can carry some Himalayan salt and add it to a bottle of water on the go. When I travel by plane, and I can't take my own water, I carry a bit of salt with me, and add it to the water I buy at the airport.

Remember that this mixture is heaven sent gift if you are struck with a headache, stomach ache, irritability, aches and pains, cramps of any kind; so get into the habit of having a water-salt bottle with you and if in need, just sip some until the pain is gone.
I was standing in the queue at the Post Office once, (I had my water bottle with me) when I suddenly got stomach cramps.I got the bottle out and took a few sips, a few times. Not even a minute later the pain was totally gone.
I gave this tip to one of my sisters who often suffers from stomach cramps. She was skeptical. Then when the next attack of stomach cramps came, she remembered the advice and gave it a try instead of recurring to medication as she always does. She was well impressed. In no time the cramps disappeared.

When I don't remember to drink water and salt regularly, which happens, because I am human, the odd headache or stomach ache come up. These are the body's natural signals to warn you that you are running low on water. Son not only don't dismiss the signs by taking medications because you think there is something wrong with you, but remember to drink regularly so that you won't have those signals any more.
A bit like keeping an eye on the level of petrol in your tank. If you were to run out, the car would spit splutter, stall and then stop. But if you refuel regularly before the tank is empty... no worries and plain sailing!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

I Had Unwanted Company

It was a bit of a trek to get to the rented place up on the mountains but it was really worth it.
The house had all the comforts and it was isolated (a bit too much) for peace and quite. A writer's paradise.  The weather was warm and the sun was shining. I settled in after a brief tour of the house with great anticipation. I was truly looking forward to spending some time there.

When nightfall came and I was ready to get into bed, I felt a strange eerie feeling.
There was a lot of of creaking and squeaking noise from the wood (it was a log cabin). Then strange images started to appear in my mind, unpleasant and threatening.
I was frightened.  I don't like being frightened. I was wondering what to do and tried to shoo away the unpleasant and violent images without much success, thinking 'it will be all right tomorrow, I am just tired',  until I finally fell asleep.

The following night, the same problem again. As soon as I got into bed, a creepy feeling came out of nowhere. I thought of switching the lights on in the kitchen and on the porch. That made me feel a bit calmer but the eerie feeling did not go away and again I forced myself to ignore it until I fell asleep.

On the third night the same thing again. I got into bed and could not bear the violent thoughts any more and I said; 'I have had enough of this'. I sat up in bed with the lights on and connected. 'What is wrong with this place?' I asked. The answer then was pretty obvious. The house was full of fearful, violent and unfriendly energies. It was not haunted but close to it.
A rented place sees many people coming and going with their own issues, their own fears, and whatever attachments they bring with themselves including entities especially if there is drugs and alcohol usage.

'Haha' I said, 'this is what it is, the house is asking for help!' and so I got down to work without a second thought.
I started the mental-energy clearing. Swept through one room at a time, did the work and planted protection (mentally) in each room, sometimes more than one thing. Immediately a feeling of calm swept over me. I was on the right track.
I then addressed the entities, which were causing the violent images, and facilitated their passage into the light and off they went. I could not see them clearly but I could feel a wonderful sense of peace, as I placed the vibration of love everywhere. It took a little while, but it worked a treat.

That night I slept like a baby.
The nights after that,  I did not turn on any lights and felt absolutely fine in total darkness even if the wood of the house kept on creaking rather noisily.

In the days that followed, I wrote and wrote and wrote some more. (I said it was a writer's paradise.) Time went by very quickly. The peace and quite of the day interrupted only by the sound of birds, replenished my tired emotional body and the sunshine gave me a glowing tan whilst at night it was a pure bliss to slip under the covers cocooned by the comforting, soothing darkness. (What a difference!)

For the rest of my stay, I never felt fear again but only a loving connection with the house, the woods, the mountains and I also dare to say I felt 'gratitude' from the house.
Homes want to be loved just like we want to be loved, just like anyone wants to be loved. It is easy to not do it when we are not aware.
Feeling uncomfortable in a place is the sign that something is energetically out of sync or that unhappy energies are seeking help. We just have to learn to recognize the signs.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Safety-Healing-And Mercury Retrograde

The past three weeks were a really hard slog!
Just when I thought it was all under control, plain sailing, Mercury went retrograde into Pisces. I had totally forgotten about that.
It was little things at first that made me wonder, and then it was like the past had come back to haunt me! The emotional sign of Pisces brought back an avalanche of emotional discomfort, more than I could have bargained for.

Uncomfortable as it was, once I understood what was happening, I wasted no time and got down to work. Day after day, writing and healing memories that has already been healed, wanting just another quick (well not so quick) peek and giving me another piece of information.
Safety. When we don't feel safe, we put on weight. But what makes us feel unsafe sometimes it's not that obvious. In fact it might be exactly the opposite of what we think.

I found out that what brings me happiness, also made me feel very, very unsafe. So I worked away and cleared the deck of everything I could find, still lingering in that portion of my energy field.
Mercury went forward into Aries on the 4th.  As the emotions are settling down we can all feel a new sense of purpose and certainly, renew strength; Aries is the sign of purpose and charge!

This work can be done in a conscious way, the way I do it,  or unconsciously. The effects of Mercury retrograde affect everyone, and we all benefit from its power whether you are consciously using the energy or not, no one misses out.

Drawing a sigh of relief we are all probably going to feel the surge of energy that will inspire us to move on to the next phase of our plans.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fear Of Success

I took a test and failed although I was fairly prepared. I did not get upset, I knew that something had not gone the way I wanted it for a reason.
I came home and thought about it for a while. Why did I fail? I had done my homework, I had studied hard, I had the answers, but when it came down to pick the right ones, I hesitated and chose the wrong one. Why?
It came to me clear as a bell, something in me required failure instead of success.

Strange as it might sound, fear of success is more common than what we think. It comes to us at a very young age, when we sense that our success is causing someone else anguish or envy. I interpreted my young, intellectual successes as a problem and I did not like to be envied.
To avoid 'causing pain to others', I switched off  and my successes became less and less.

When we are young we react to our environment in two ways: we either don't care and get on with it, or if we are really sensitive we stop doing what you are doing for fear of hurting others.
To please others at our expenses is not the ideal way to get things done. It might have been the only way I had when I was little, but not any more now.

Once I identified where I had created that, I ask for that statement to be deleted  and put in another program that said: 'I intend to look after myself first, others can feel what they want and I don't have to be affected by what they feel. For as long as I act in integrity and self love, I don't hurt anyone. I only hurt people if I go out of my way to do so intentionally"
I also added that by being my utter best from now on instead of bringing me envy, it will bring me support and love.

Not too long after the first test, I took it again, and this time I passed with flying colors. I did not ponder over the questions, I trusted my first reaction and got through totally effortlessly.
The night before I also gathered my attention and visualized the wanted outcome. Something that I did not feel inclined to do the first time around because I had a 'you must fail' program and so I had no desire to set myself up for success.

I walked out of the test room with a big smile on my face, feeling very happy, not just because I had passed the test, but because I had overcome a long standing fear that had been crippling me for a very long time. Passing the test was just the by-product.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

It Was Just a Mouse

The persistent, rustling noise was coming from the floorboard. I woke up suddenly. I switched the light on, thinking it was the cat, but the room was empty. The noise stopped and a chill went down my spine. I froze with fear. We had been talking over dinner about a restless spirit in the house. Immediately I thought that's what it was.

I laid in bed with the light on, waiting for the noise to start again. I was scared more than necessary, but I had one similar experience a long time ago, so my reaction was justified.
I wanted to get up and call my friends but I was too scared to move. I decided to do a little healing instead.
If there really was a restless spirit in the room, it would be more helpful to facilitate its release instead of running around screaming. So I did.
Breathing deeply I did what I normally do, using my healing, mental tools.  After about fifteen minutes I drifted off back to sleep.

I don't know much time had passed when I was awakened again by the same noise. This time I was not scared (I guess the healing helped) and a thought struck me; "It's just a mouse".
A house in the country with a very good, hunting cat, what else could it be but a mouse under the floorboard? I smiled at my sudden realization and at the fact that the gripping fear had totally vanished.

I was left with some questioning though. Was it just a mouse? Or was it a mouse and a spirit using the mouse to attract my attention, asking for help? (Hence the intense fear.)
We laughed about it over breakfast, but I still wonder!