Wednesday 16 May 2012

I Had Unwanted Company

It was a bit of a trek to get to the rented place up on the mountains but it was really worth it.
The house had all the comforts and it was isolated (a bit too much) for peace and quite. A writer's paradise.  The weather was warm and the sun was shining. I settled in after a brief tour of the house with great anticipation. I was truly looking forward to spending some time there.

When nightfall came and I was ready to get into bed, I felt a strange eerie feeling.
There was a lot of of creaking and squeaking noise from the wood (it was a log cabin). Then strange images started to appear in my mind, unpleasant and threatening.
I was frightened.  I don't like being frightened. I was wondering what to do and tried to shoo away the unpleasant and violent images without much success, thinking 'it will be all right tomorrow, I am just tired',  until I finally fell asleep.

The following night, the same problem again. As soon as I got into bed, a creepy feeling came out of nowhere. I thought of switching the lights on in the kitchen and on the porch. That made me feel a bit calmer but the eerie feeling did not go away and again I forced myself to ignore it until I fell asleep.

On the third night the same thing again. I got into bed and could not bear the violent thoughts any more and I said; 'I have had enough of this'. I sat up in bed with the lights on and connected. 'What is wrong with this place?' I asked. The answer then was pretty obvious. The house was full of fearful, violent and unfriendly energies. It was not haunted but close to it.
A rented place sees many people coming and going with their own issues, their own fears, and whatever attachments they bring with themselves including entities especially if there is drugs and alcohol usage.

'Haha' I said, 'this is what it is, the house is asking for help!' and so I got down to work without a second thought.
I started the mental-energy clearing. Swept through one room at a time, did the work and planted protection (mentally) in each room, sometimes more than one thing. Immediately a feeling of calm swept over me. I was on the right track.
I then addressed the entities, which were causing the violent images, and facilitated their passage into the light and off they went. I could not see them clearly but I could feel a wonderful sense of peace, as I placed the vibration of love everywhere. It took a little while, but it worked a treat.

That night I slept like a baby.
The nights after that,  I did not turn on any lights and felt absolutely fine in total darkness even if the wood of the house kept on creaking rather noisily.

In the days that followed, I wrote and wrote and wrote some more. (I said it was a writer's paradise.) Time went by very quickly. The peace and quite of the day interrupted only by the sound of birds, replenished my tired emotional body and the sunshine gave me a glowing tan whilst at night it was a pure bliss to slip under the covers cocooned by the comforting, soothing darkness. (What a difference!)

For the rest of my stay, I never felt fear again but only a loving connection with the house, the woods, the mountains and I also dare to say I felt 'gratitude' from the house.
Homes want to be loved just like we want to be loved, just like anyone wants to be loved. It is easy to not do it when we are not aware.
Feeling uncomfortable in a place is the sign that something is energetically out of sync or that unhappy energies are seeking help. We just have to learn to recognize the signs.

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