Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Who Lives With You? Destructive Behavior

We are spirit dwelling in a physical body. It is our duty and responsibility to take care of it by nourishing it well, but also by intending to be the only occupier of it. When we experience unusual behavior, deep depression, bouts of unwarrented anger, we have to ask this question: "Is there anyone living in my body besides myself?"
I talk a lot about entity possession, as it is extremely important that we understand what this means and how easy it is to be possessed.

Entities can be of two kinds, the spirit of dead people who died suddenly or violently, or demons. Some people die and they don't know  where to go,  so they jump on the closest body they can find. Doctors, nurses, people working with the old, soldiers, are the people more affected. Locations where people die also create a place for entities to create more accidents and more death. Demons are  beings of lower dimensions that thrive on the thrill of morbid, fear with all the gory details.

Traumatized people are particularly prone to possessions, just like those who use drugs and alcohol.  Whether entities are of one kind or another they slowly take over, and the person is not him/herself anymore. Releasing entities from the body into the light, is a major part of healing that will help not only the person but also the entities that would otherwise find another body to go to.

Healing Is a Daily Business Chapter 9 The Dark Energy Story. 

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

What Is Healing?

Healing is reinterpreting experiences. This means looking at those experiences in life that have left a negative imprint in our memory and understand the real story behind it. You might ask, "What story is behind abuse and pain?" Well I could say that that people who have done the abuse have probably been abused themselves and have been acting out their anger and impotence. This does not justify their actions of course, but it gives another perspective on the story.

Healing is a way to say, "I look at things differently and I am willing to let go of those feelings that keep me trapped in the past, because I want my life back." When we hang on to resentment, anger, self reproach, guilt, when we want to change the past, because we feel hard done by, and humiliated, we cannot fully live in the present and fulfill our talents and skills. Hanging on to the past does not change it, it only perpetuates it. 

When we do healing, we don't let anyone off the hook. Whatever anyone does, they will have to face the consequences one day. We heal for ourselves, we let ourselves off the hook, for not having been smart enough to avoid the abuse. What really hurts are the feelings of impotence and rage, feeling helpless against someone who took advantage of a defenseless child.

When we understand that what we create also comes back, we can let ourselves off the hook, from another time. When we understand that we have agreed to participate in the experience of abuse, we can look for the gem. Would you do to another what has been done to you? If the answer is no, then you have passed with flying colors. Be willing to look for the bigger picture and you will be free!

The whole book Healing Is A Daily Business is on healing, and how day in day out you find an answer to your quest!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Dramas: The Tyrant-The Victim-The Saviour

Dramas or stories, are simply adopted behavior created by an emotional reaction to events. In other words, if in early life we did not experience love, acceptance or approval,  very cleverly (as that was the only smart choice we could come up with) we learnt to modify our behavior to please those in charge of our upbringing. Children pick up things really quickly and they figure out very fast what is the safest way to be if they want to survive.  The downside of this is that this behavior or drama  then becomes the  'default program', from which we live throughout life.

The major dramas are the tyrant, the victim and the savior. We all play out these parts at different times in our lives, until something happens and we switch from one drama to another. Most of us are totally unaware that we are stuck in a drama, in fact we think that the way we are is who we are. I have called these dramas the trapping trio, because they trap our life force and the ability to be  our true self, to feel, give and receive love.

In chapter two, of part two of Healing Is A Daily Business, I describe and explain very thoroughly what these dramas are and how they stop us from being our true self.  Dramas keep us disconnected from spirit (our own spirit), and keep us stuck in fear. When we choose to understand what dramas we play and give them up, we learn that we don't have to manipulate anyone to get what we want, because we are finally free to be who we want to be, from awareness, self respect and self love.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Once Upon A Time ...

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was born in a small village in the South of Italy ...

This is how 'Healing Is A Daily Business' starts. A book that is rich with channeled information.
I am still amazed today by what I was able to access during those four years of intense writing. Was it because I was psychic that I had the chance to tap into so much knowledge? Was it the pain and the determination to find answers? I don't know. All I know is that every time I was in pain, I sat down and wrote. The memories would flow in fast and furious, and with that, insights after insight, and answers to unanswerable questions.
I used to get such a high every time I cracked another code. Every time I had an emotional entanglement, I would not stop until I got to the bottom of it and got the answer I was looking for.

'Healing Is A Daily Business' is the story of a painful but incredibly rewarding journey. I still look at it with a sense of awe, not because I wrote it, but for the precious answers that have enriched and liberated my life and the life of the clients that I have had the privilege to assist in their own awakening.