Friday, 8 February 2013


In the last couple of days I have learned a few but very important things. 
Two nights ago, I woke up at 1.30 pm, and could not go back to sleep until 4 am.  I thought. "WTF man, just when I have to get up early, why can't this happen at weekends, when I don't normally have anything to do?"
During the day I had been feeling something hovering over me. It's when some insights are ready to come in, and I need to make the mental space for them to be heard. I did not. I was too busy, and in the evening, at downtime, instead of relaxing quietly or having a meditation I started to watch something on Youtube.

In the middle of the night, as I was lying awake, the insights started to flood in, bright and clear like a crisp, snowy day. When that happens, I normally get up and write them down, but I was too lazy to get up; I did not wan to get up, I wanted to go back to sleep!

As expected I got up early, tired as hell, and got on with what I had to do. Then I wrote down the insights that were by now quite blurry. I did my best to remember and promised myself that for future references, I will never ignore the signs again and make space as, if and when, in my head. 

Tired and exhausted from the day, I went to bed and I really wanted to have a good night sleep. I remembered something about salt. I got up and put a few grains of pink salt on my tongue and waited five minutes for it to dissolve,  before drinking some water and turning off the lights. I was fast asleep in no time. 

The next thing I heard was some noise from the cats. I looked at the clock it was 7.30 am. I smiled; 'Boy, that was a nice, long, refreshing sleep' I thought loudly! (how loud can a thought be?)

What are the two things I learnt? Just to recap:
Salt; take salt, when you cannot sleep, it always works. And always make time, always to relax and connect before you go to bed!

Wasn't I pleased this morning to start a new day! And it was sunny !

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