Healing is one part of the story. Then there is the influence of the planets with their cycles, equinoxes, solstices and then there are the cycles of the moon and Eclipses.
Talking about having your hands full.
It's not always easy to keep track of everything but it is quite a relief when we do, to be reminded that no matter how much healing we do, we are still influenced by these factors. Sometimes we need to be patient while other times we need to grab the opportunity because of the auspicious alignments that say: "Hey, luck is on your side, the doors are open and it's easier to put into action now what you have been waiting to act upon".
It's full moon tonight, and we also have a lunar eclipse. A very important time, the effects of which are felt before and after and they are connected to a nineteen year cycle. What happened in 1992 and 1973 that is felt today? For some, nothing terribly significant, for others, lots was going on, and suddenly we feel thrown into a whirlwind of emotions that throw us in all directions. One minute we feel amazing, the next really down and depressed, or totally overwhelmed with all the things that need doing.
Riding the waves it's something we must learn to master if we want to get through these times. We sit and we let the emotions run havoc, we take some Flower Remedies, (they always, always work wonders) and we address some of the emotions, and if we are really brave we do some digging in the past (which is always part of the healing anyway).
I know, it can get really tiring and tedious, tell me about it. Sometimes, I just want to shout, "I have had enough of doing healing, where is my reward?"
And then, meekly, I get on with it, because I know that when something is eating me up, or I feel really dreadful, once the healing has happened I will feel on top the waves again.
What I have learned is that doing healing at these times is particularly effective and incredibly powerful, because you are directly connected to those times where there is a leak through - the emotions from the past that are affecting you in the now.
So if you are feeling strangely overwhelmed, angry or depressed, if things suddenly get out of control, and you think you are losing the plot ... hang on it there and start digging. Soon you will find what beliefs and emotions you felt at those times, and you can release them from your field by undoing those beliefs (it is that easy), and you can use the power of the full moon-eclipse to establish a new way of thinking, a new program that will take you through the next nineteen year cycle.
Once you have identified what beliefs you created about yourself then, you can see that those beliefs are still affecting you now. You will also find all the emotions that you suppressed because it was not safe for you to express them at the time. You have the power and the safety to express them now.
If anger is what you felt, get some big, fat pillows and punch them until you have no breath left.
If you felt depressed an unwanted, breathe all those emotions out, until there are no tears left, and a sense of peace will prevail.
Use your breath and your words. "I undo this belief, (whatever that is) and this emotion", and breathe it out.
Get busy today, tonight and tomorrow, these are great times to make fantastic stride forward.
You can take some remedies to help you, like Walnut to break from the past, Hornbeam if you are a procrastinator, Gentian, if you are getting depressed, or Elm if you are too overwhelmed.