It was two years ago and it did not feel comfortable. I had worked hard, I had done it all myself. I was not too sure about what I was doing, but I did it. A book that was not supposed to be one was born. It was the editing of accumulated pages of journal, full of insights and incredible information. I published the book, I was fairly proud, but I was not too keen to going public. I sold a number of copied, I gave away some, but I did not want to push it,
This was two years ago. In those two years, my mother came to stay with me a couple of times for five/six weeks at a time and she was still pushing my buttons. I guess there will always be buttons that a mother can push. My emotions were still roller coasting from one extreme to another. I did not want to touch the book again. Then two years later, I decided to face the fear of success.
The book needed editing, it needed a make over without taking away any of the precious information. I hired someone to help me. That was last January. A job that was supposed to take three months ended up taking up the whole year. Yes there were a lot of problems and divergences of opinions, but as the months were rolling by it was clear that I was still not comfortable with going public, for fear of being judged, which was manifesting still in my life. I felt judged a lot. So I patiently did more healing and more clearing. The more I cleared my field the stronger and more present in my body I became and other people who were on my side this time started to appear.
It was a long, stressful and frustrating journey, but it was worth every minute of effort I put into it. Now the second edition is ready and this time I feel very proud of the results. I can't wait to get it out there, to talk about it and to share it with people. Editing the book was like editing my life and those emotional residues that still lingered and it has taken me into a place of sobriety. Yes we have all had a terrible life, a terrible childhood that has caused us to be the way we are, that have influenced our choices of partners, jobs and lifestyle. What I have however learned the most is this: whatever life we have had, whatever the experiences, whatever pain, stress, abuse, whatever has happened to us, we are here to wake up to the greatest truth of existence. Love is all there is. Love is the force of the universe, and what does not resonate with love is a man made existence that comes out of disconnection.
We are all longing to connect, to be wise, to be knowledgeable, and to have joy in our existence, but because we don't know how to do it, we switch to survival mode and we adopt strategies, that then become us.
As I went through the book again, a few times, I was truly humbled by what I had learned. I did expose family secrets, and other uncomfortable truths, but I also found a place of understanding and compassion for all that happened. And that was the greatest gift of this book.
It was all together a fifteen year journey. Now I feel that I can finally focus on allowing myself to be who I truly am the joyful, loving, compassionate and fun being that I have always been.