I have a friend who is very depressed. He has been for
years. He has been on all sorts of drugs , and tried some
other approaches without much results.
I too have been depressed in the past, for years, (this is how I know him, because I was in the same boat) and then after years of working with all sorts of therapies, I
found my wonderful healing system and everything changed.
Over time I
healed my emotions, my past, I understood the bigger picture in life, I
connected to the spiritual part of myself and life will never go back to where
it used to be. It’s a life approach, not an overnight thing. You have to want to change, and you have to say that you do.
This friend of mine has another friend just as depressed as
he is and I heard my friend say to his friend laughingly, a few years ago, ‘in
ten years time we will still be here, the two of us, depressed as hell.’
chuckled, thinking it was really amusing. I said to him, ‘better be careful
what you say because it might just happen’.
Well wouldn’t you know? Few years down the line that’s
exactly what is going on in his life. He is more depressed than ever, nothing of what he is doing seems to be working and he
spends most of his time with his depressed friend, just as he predicted!
Of course I did point that out to him, but he brushed it off
as nonsense.
Well I have been in this business for a long while now and I have
seen things lately, happening in a very short space of time.
It is a tricky business, because this concept is still not known amongst the public, but if we pay close attention to
all the things that we say, we realise that when we say them without anything
attached to them they happen pretty instantly.
Master the power of your thoughts and words. They are
your best ally.