Monday, 16 July 2012

Rescue Remedy

I want to talk about the wonderful properties of Rescue Remedy again, even if I have talked about it  before. RR is one great aid for healing mental, emotional and physical issues!

A friend of mine burnt her finger on a hot dish. She was getting it out of the oven and the steam burnt her.
She told me this in the middle of a catching up conversation. She said she had put it under running water and put some salve on it, but it was still hurting like hell, did I have any suggestions?
"Do you know about Rescue Remedy?" I asked her. "You need to get some of that, first thing in the morning" I said.

As it happened she had a bottle in her draw. She used it in the past when she was going through a rough patch. She had found it very helpful to  calm her down and to sleep better, although she had   thought that it was a placebo effect. My friend is a bit skeptical about these things.

"That's great, go and fish it out and put some on your finger straight away!" I said.
 RR is fantastic for everything! Any injury to the body big or small is a shock, any emotional trauma causes shock. So it does not matter what kind of shock it is, RR is ALWAYS the solution.

(For emotional issues, naturally, you take RR but it would be very advisable to do some emotional healing too for lasting results.)

I told her to put it neat on her finger. Normally it takes the pain away immediately. I also explained to her how it works. Precisely what I have just said. RR takes away the vibration of the trauma that causes shock, whether physical, emotional or mental. Once the shock is removed, the body goes automatically  into healing mode, the pain disappears and the injured part heals itself pretty quickly and normally without any scar tissues afterwards.

I have used it so many times for so many little things and it always does the trick. The sooner you can use it the better. It works if you take it orally, and or by putting it on the injured part; a few drops, and then a few more ten of fifteen minutes later.

It did not fail this time either.
As soon as our conversation was over, my friend tended her finger with RR.

The following  morning I received a text from her: Rescue Remedy amazing, thank you!

Well, what can I say?