I am not going to wait for the new year to start a change in life-style. Xmas has finally happened, done and dusted, and on Xmas eve there was a powerful new moon. It is on new moons that we initiate new projects.
My big project is a change in lifestyle, be really healthy and vibrant and lose a few pounds that have been bugging me for a few years. I am going to give the gluten and sugar free food a deserved try.
I have a friend who has been doing it for a while and she is doing all right, I have to admit.
Gluten free food can be quite pricey, I agree with you, but my health has begun to benefit already, so who cares? After only a week, I can already feel the difference. I don't feel bloated, tired and sleepy after gluten free toasts, or gluten free pasta with sautee courgettes and I feel full and satiated for hours. We do need our carbs, and finally I can have my cake and eat it.
Does gluten free food really make you lose weight? I don't know. My friend is very slim, but then again she loves her Chi Kung (chi gong) so it could be a combination of the two.
I am going to give it a try for a while and see what happens. The aim is the weight loss, but I wonder if I ought to shift the attention onto simply eating gluten free for my health and let the weight take care of itself?
There is plenty to experiment with, and no need to deprive myself of anything. I am going gluten free and sugar free. Just substitute sugar with Agave nectar or other natural sweeteners and gluten free flours to make breads, cookies and other goodies. I will keep you posted.