Wednesday, 19 October 2011


It happened on Saturday evening after the workshop. We all gathered for a drink at the bar, and we got chatting. I had been thinking of relocating to this part of town since January. So I was chatting, to the lady organiser who I had met before, about my plans.
She had always been very supportive of my work, so when I told her what I was planning to do, which she had asked me about, her reply felt like someone had pulled the rug from under my feet. It took me a few days to realise that she touched a nerve and that I needed to heal something.

And healing indeed I did two days later. I had come to the workshop with expectations. And expectations  were what needed to be tweaked, because those expectations were not mine.

During the self healing, (which is always very targeted and clear) I realised that I was carrying around opposite expectations in my energy field; my mother's, which were; 'as a girl you don't stand a chance in the world' and my father's; 'I put all my expectations on you, and I know you will succeed.'

Without going into the intricate and private details, it was clear that I had been operating from and 'trying' to fulfil two opposite programs at the same time and that of course had a lot of emotional charge that needed looking at.
I felt the pain, the sadness and the anger at the realisation as to how I was so desperate to please both parents, and how impossible it was to fulfil two opposite expectations at once. I did not want to believe my mother's beliefs, and I did not want to be put under pressure to succeed.
Out of love and need, I took on my parent's fears. How common is that, I ask? How many of us do that, taking on what is thrown at them, feeling vulnerable and helpless?

What everyone does when unpleasant events happen, (I have already talked about this, but it always applies) is that we operate from the need to change what happened then.  That is why unconsciously we recreate a similar situation, where we will experience rejection for something we want to do, in the same way that we experienced it then.

When a woman rejects your ideas and you feel really hurt, more often than not you are reliving what your mother used to do to you and you are still stuck there, wanting to change her reactions.

I healed it by connecting to the emotions and stated; "I give up my parent's expectations, good and bad." The words triggered the hurt and then tears. Tears are a way for the brain to to release the accumulated emotions  from the field, and it's a very powerful tool when used it in a targeted manner.
Of course I went into a little more details, but that was basically the opening line.

Your statement gives a command to your field and the brain takes it on.  You have deleted all expectations that were not yours. Then of course you have to put something in, to reprogram the brain.
We are all highly programmable beings, and we get programmed all the time. But once we understand this great truth, what we do is to delete the programs that no longer serve us with all the emotional implications, and we replace them with others of our choice.

This is how we use our free will,  using positive language  that describes our intentions about what we want to have or do with our life.

When we reprogram the brain from our highest truth, by stating what we want, that's when things start to move. And it might be that it's the same things that we were asking for before. But if before we were asking from the need to be approved, now we are asking from a place of alignment with spirit. (Healing connects you with your emotions, which aligns you with the spiritual part of yourself, your highest truth.)
That totally changes the dynamical interaction with the energy in the universe.

Asking out of need means you are asking from fear, and when in fear the energy is limited and coming from people or situations. But when you are asking from the source within you, (and you know the difference, we all do), the things you ask for carry a different weight, and that's when everything start to fall into place.

So although I was very misplaced by that lady's reaction, I did not hold it against her. I needed to heal something.  We always  create what we have in life, and if we look at the whys we can use it to heal the past and to increase awareness as another piece is added to the jigsaw.

Of course that's not how I saw it on Saturday night, but that's how it works. You get upset, you talk about it until you are fed up of talking about it, and then it dawns on you, and when you get it, the rest is relatively easy.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Three Months Later

It's already October. The summer has come and gone leaving no traces behind. No excitement, no sun, no heat. It was a three months where every day was the same, waiting for tomorrow hoping for the clouds both inside and out to part and see a ray of sunshine.

Mum passed away in May. It took time to adjust although it had been expected, she had been ill for two years, it was not a surprise. Although I think that things could have been done differently.
The emotions were raw despite being prepared.  Taking plenty of Rescue Remedy helped a lot, and doing healing with her before she passed away was an incredible experience. I held mum's hand in my healing space for weeks, until she was finally ready to see beyond the fog and fear. We all felt that she was happy and peaceful when it finally  happened.

Losing the last parent only added more intensity to a summer that was incredibly intense on so many levels. The  whole of August was spent with Mercury retrograde on my tail, which gave me three full weeks of revising.
For those familiar with the Mercury retrograde you might recall, volatile emotions, rows out of nowhere with family and loved ones and fear coming in from nowhere.  I had my share. But I am an emotional healer, so I used the energy wisely.
I healed and healed and healed some more and wrote and wrote and wrote intensely about all the emotions and angst that were coming from other lines of time that needed closure and reconciling. Some events in the the past wanted attention.

The astrological alignments were affecting everyone and everyone felt the pinch of frustration and anger. So many projects, so many ideas, and still the tide was out, putting an edge on everything.
Having a family death was just a little extra stress that I could have done without, although the illness was just as stressful.
There was no time to communicate with the outside world, it was a time of reflection and healing.
Projects and ideas had to be visited and revisited a million times, but all that, gives energy to the plan, so that when finally the time is ripe, we are ready to take those steps that we felt unable to take before.

It's fair to say that the summer was time to slow down, and October now has much better planetary alignment to finally move on to the next phase of our lives. And so many people, irrespectively of their astrological knowledge find themselves in exactly this situation. Summer was a time of confusion and October suddenly has opportunities appear as the energy has been freed, and everyone feels ready for action, although still with a little bit of confusion or hesitation.
Soon the desire for change will become so impellent that will be unstoppable.

So if you like me have been through the last three months feeling this way, you can finally take a breath and start to smile again. All that work done in the summer is now going to pay off.
If you still feel confused, simply state that you are willing to change. This automatically opens the door to the real you that wants things to be well in every area of your life, and to the energy that is now knocking on your door asking you to change, without you having to do much other than appreciate what is coming.