Whenever I contemplate things that are not working in my life, inevitably I start to feel depressed. This morning, I woke up feeling despondent about recent events that have thrown me off balance. I did not want to feel that way, I wanted to find solutions and answers.
I decided to adopt a strategy that I used to use when I was younger: make an effort to think one good thought! A positive thought that will bring a smile to my face. It can be anything. It can be the newly bought boots, what I am going to have for dinner tonight, a phone call with a friend, a list of things that I can see coming into my life ... anything.
Anything that creates pleasure in our mind, puts the body into alignment with the source of love within self, and the vibration of the body rises from whatever negative emotion is being experienced to a place of truth.
I decided to adopt a strategy that I used to use when I was younger: make an effort to think one good thought! A positive thought that will bring a smile to my face. It can be anything. It can be the newly bought boots, what I am going to have for dinner tonight, a phone call with a friend, a list of things that I can see coming into my life ... anything.
Anything that creates pleasure in our mind, puts the body into alignment with the source of love within self, and the vibration of the body rises from whatever negative emotion is being experienced to a place of truth.
So when I woke up this morning, feeling low and sad, I immediately thought about something that brought, not just a smile to my face but a deep sense of well-being — my plans for the coming year! Thinking about what I want and how I want my life to be, always brings me pleasure and as I felt better, I was able to contemplate and consider my options about the recent events, with a clear head.
When we are not in a place of truth, or in the ‘gap’ as I call it, we are not able to ‘see’ solutions, we can only see what is already there which causes even more despondency. It takes time obviously to train oneself to snap out of the familiar groove of feelings, and say ‘no, I want to think something that makes me feel good’.
My way to handle despondency in the past was to recite, “I love myself”. However, thinking one good thought though seems to be working just as well. It does not take much effort, and it shifts the energy really quickly.
It still holds true though that when we don't manifest what we want, there are other factors to consider and looking at one's beliefs around what one wants is vital. But dwelling in depression does not help healing. So think one good thought, get back in alignment and from that place you can 'see' all the solutions that you want and need.